
Results 37 comments of hzmi

Initial versions of v5 won't have slash commands, so I'll reopen this issue

Not sure, but what do you do to get those errors? is it reproducible?

What is the input to your play command?

Hmm, I couldn't reproduce the issue, it seems like the problem isn't coming from Jukebox itself, this is probably related to https://github.com/SuspiciousLookingOwl/youtubei/issues/19, can you try with another network?

> I just tried it on another network and it works! Thank you! Sorry for the inconvenience... Also, while I'm here, can I make a request to add a shuffle...

Is there any example of bot using this feature? We could do this with ffmpeg but not sure about the performance

> So you plan to add this feature ? Hello, yes, if I have some time. I'm currently busy with other projects. A Pull Request is always gladly appreciated.

Sorry for the late response, Just repaired my broken PC It is possible, but I'll use more resources though because we need to pass an audio stream from ytdl to...

So do you mean a DJ role that restricts all music commands, or just essentials music commands like stop, skip, etc?

Hmm, this is a problem with [youtubei](https://github.com/SuspiciousLookingOwl/youtubei). You can open an Issue there if you want to, use this title: "Error while extracting age-restricted videos". If not I would debug...