I'm facing the same issue: i cannot find the "Form Data" values in the "headers" section. I'm looking at the DevTools (F12) Chrome's window and I can find only General,...
Thank you in advance! Here you are the URL: https://marcon.creactiveagency.com/test_table.php Simply try to remove a record and look at the "Network" panel of the DevTools.
Hi, and thanks to all of you. I made a second test page https://marcon.creactiveagency.com/test_table_2.php where I tried the code above by @uldtot. I also tried removing others JS libraries and...
Ok.. I finally found a reason why: the version downloaded from gitHub seems to be different than the one i got from the site https://markcell.github.io/jquery-tabledit/#home So, the second works (I...