jquery-tabledit copied to clipboard
filter_input_array(INPUT_POST) = null
Hi, I follow the examples but in the php file I can't do nothing because there is nothing in the post array.
You have to check your browser and see what is it trying to send. If you are using Chrome. Check Network tab
I'm facing the same issue: i cannot find the "Form Data" values in the "headers" section. I'm looking at the DevTools (F12) Chrome's window and I can find only General, Response Headers and Request Headers. I'm copying an example line by line from the "Examples" section, PHP included. Can you help me? What am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance
I'm facing the same issue: i cannot find the "Form Data" values in the "headers" section. I'm looking at the DevTools (F12) Chrome's window and I can find only General, Response Headers and Request Headers. I'm copying an example line by line from the "Examples" section, PHP included. Can you help me? What am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance
Hi @HatsuSakura .
Can you send me a live URL, then i can check if i can see why is happening.
Thank you in advance! Here you are the URL: https://marcon.creactiveagency.com/test_table.php Simply try to remove a record and look at the "Network" panel of the DevTools.
Thank you in advance! Here you are the URL: https://marcon.creactiveagency.com/test_table.php Simply try to remove a record and look at the "Network" panel of the DevTools.
Hmm.. That is odd...
Can you try with this one i am using and change the URL to mathc yours.:
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#data_table').Tabledit({ deleteButton: true, editButton: false, columns: { identifier: [0, 'id'], editable: [ [2, 'generalNotes'], [3, 'errorType'], ] }, hideIdentifier: true, url: './includes/sites_live_edit.php' }); }); </script>
Hi, and thanks to all of you. I made a second test page https://marcon.creactiveagency.com/test_table_2.php where I tried the code above by @uldtot. I also tried removing others JS libraries and including the "old" //ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js instead of the 3.3.1. Nothing seems to be changed.
I tried a simple ajax call perfomed by the "Invia Richiesta" button, in upper right corner. In DevTools you can find the "Form Data" section with values inside.
This is driving me crazy...
Ok.. I finally found a reason why: the version downloaded from gitHub seems to be different than the one i got from the site https://markcell.github.io/jquery-tabledit/#home So, the second works (I can find the DATA in the DevTools panel. And the test file https://marcon.creactiveagency.com/test_table_2.php gives a lot of satisfaction...
Now I'm facing another issue: with jquery 3.3.1 (look at the first file test_table.php) the console.log says "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token s in JSON at position 0". I need jquery 3.3.1 for others functionalities in the site. Any idea? Thank you a lot!!
Good to hear you found the solution :) 👍
Don have a suggestion for the jquery isuue :/
I am able to load data in to the table, see information including the Pencil and Trash icon. I can edit but ‘save’ or ‘trash’ option is not working (not updating the database). The filter_input_array(INPUT_POST) is not receiving any parameter.I downloaded the version from the site "jquery-tabledit-1.2.3". Do I have to add/modify any of the 2 js files?, what/where is the option that is triggering the filter_input_array(INPUT_POST) command? Any input, please
Ok.. I finally found a reason why: the version downloaded from gitHub seems to be different than the one i got from the site https://markcell.github.io/jquery-tabledit/#home So, the second works (I can find the DATA in the DevTools panel. And the test file https://marcon.creactiveagency.com/test_table_2.php gives a lot of satisfaction...
Now I'm facing another issue: with jquery 3.3.1 (look at the first file test_table.php) the console.log says "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token s in JSON at position 0". I need jquery 3.3.1 for others functionalities in the site. Any idea? Thank you a lot!!
I have the same problem the file from master https://github.com/BluesatKV/jquery-tabledit/archive/master.zip was not working for me, it was not sending any formdata, i had to use this file https://markcell.github.io/jquery-tabledit/assets/js/tabledit.min.js
Had the same issue on my site but was caused by URL rewrite in htaccess. FYI for anyone else troubleshooting this issue.