Adds the MIT license file. This is just a suggestion, feel free to choose a different open license or to add a proprietary license.
Issue based on [this conversation](https://roc.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/231634-beginners/topic/Check.20and.20test.20commands.20hang/near/373877343) in Zulip. With these two files, `roc check` and `roc test` both hang, but `roc format` succeeds. If I comment out the import in `Example.roc`...
Example: ```julia using DataSkimmer using DataFrames df = DataFrame(Dict([Symbol(k) => 1:10 for k in 'a':'z'])...) skim(df) ``` Output: ``` ┌─────────────────────┬───────────┐ │ Type │ DataFrame │ │ N. rows │ 10...
As discussed in [this Zulip thread](https://roc.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/231634-beginners/topic/Best.20way.20to.20handle.20very.20big.20.22data.22.20libraries/near/442668268) `roc check` overflows its stack when checking very large files (11MB large). To reproduce, here's a JS script that generates a 29MB file `Example.roc`,...
This would replace the current default which is showing the docs for the main branch. Copied from [an idea in Zulip](https://roc.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/304641-ideas/topic/basic-cli.20repo.20default/near/380271788) by @Anton-4.