
Results 9 comments of Hannes

Inspired by @autinerd's Arch package, I've made a homebrew formula [here](https://github.com/Hasnep/homebrew-tap/blob/main/Formula/meta-package-manager.rb). I just followed [this guide](https://github.com/simonw/til/blob/main/homebrew/packaging-python-cli-for-homebrew.md), so it's very basic. You can try installing it with ```shell brew install hasnep/tap/meta-package-manager...

I force pushed to my tap repo and because I'm new to homebrew I didn't realise this would break it. If anyone's brew is broken it should be as simple...

Something to note for anyone implementing this: the DeepL API requires a [pro subscription](https://www.deepl.com/en/docs-api/) to use.

Is this still issue still relevant or has DataVoyager fulfilled this?

Coming from R and the Tidyverse, I saw the way that DataFrames.jl uses `Symbol`s, e.g. when joining: ``` join(people, jobs, on = :ID) ``` or reshaping: ``` stack(iris, [:SepalLength, :SepalWidth,...

I have a fork [here](https://github.com/Hasnep/lutris) where I added Ruffle as a runner, but I discussed it briefly with @strycore on Discord back in December 2020, and we agreed that while...

[jupyterlab_code_formatter ](https://github.com/ryantam626/jupyterlab_code_formatter) is a similar extension for jupyterlab.

Hi, thanks for submitting a bug report. I'm not able to recreate this bug, so some more info would be helpful. Could you check which version of TernaryPlots.jl you are...

Hi @pw0908, do you have the same problem running a simpler example, like the following one? ```julia # Generate test data test_data = rand(100, 3) |> eachrow .|> r ->...