Haris Spahija

Results 29 comments of Haris Spahija

We are currently facing this with our project that the `installQuasarPlugin()` is very important to make sure that all the components are picked up by test runners like `jest`. Do...

I did make a repo with some default configuration and it seems like components are not resolving. Is there some additional config we need to add for users in vue-cli?...

Amazing that you got the vitest side working @dirodriguezm , but sadly I still havent been able to make `@quasar/quasar-app-extension-testing-unit-jest` work for a project outside of vue-cli. See https://github.com/HarisSpahija/quasar-testing-example-vue-cli Did...

~~@IlCallo @quasar/testing-unit-jest@alpha is not an npm package. This ticket is for people that want to use quasar without the `quasar-cli`. How can I install `@quasar/testing-unit-jest@alpha` when not in a quasar...

The component still seems to not be running on a button component. `jest.config.js` ```js const esModules = ["quasar", "quasar/lang", "lodash-es"].join("|"); module.exports = { preset: "@vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest/presets/typescript-and-babel", testMatch: ["/**/*.spec.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)"], transform: { //...

I made a comparison component to see if the `Button.vue` without quasar would render. The goal is to see if a `button` element is rendered. The problem with quasar is...

If anyone is still dealing with this. We worked around the error by replacing most of our `v-if` to `v-show`.

Do you have any sample code? So far the packages I have been using seem to be working fine.

Can the app build? If so, dont forget to check your permissions in android itself.

Can you link your error message when you build? It might be that you havent installed the v2 model yet. You can do that with npm