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Ontology of units of Measure
Could you add in the ontology **watt hour** in a similar way than kilowatt hour. I guess this is an instance of "unit multiplication" class Thank you
It's not clear exactly what has changed from the first version of the units of measure ontology (and why). Is there a summary of changes somewhere? Thanks!
OM currently has a version number in the namespace and ontology IRI. This is not according to best practices. An OWL ontology should make use of the owl:versionIRI attribute on...
For many of the object properties the domain and/or range is specified as a union consisting of a single class. This is really not necessary, and adds a layer of...
Six temperature quantity classes erroneously contained the according temperature scale classes in their definition. For example, the definition of OM> CelsiusTemperature contained the following statement: Class: om:CelsiusTemperature SubClassOf: om:hasValue only...
Five temperature scale individuals were connected to the according temperature scale class by owl:equivalentClass which makes them individuals of themselves [Review Keil & Schindler].
Four entities classified as units should be scales instead. For example, OM>_1-10 should be a OM>Ordinal_scale [Review Keil & Schindler].
The definition of `om:Point` is "an element of an interval scale or a ratio scale, for example, 273.16 on the Kelvin scale indicates the triple point of water thermodynamic temperature"...
I'm struggling trying to understand the graphical examples in the OM documentation: For example, in the UML model it shows that a om:Quantity has a property om:hasScale. But...
Please clarify the license. Currently it is state in `om-2.0.rdf` that it is provide under CC-BY, but the license version is omitted. Moreover, it has become a good practice to...