I will be interested to implement the remaining algorithm in the paper (ABOBA and OBABO at least). I was thinking to implement as well the GJ set of integrator [https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.04380v1](https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.04380v1)...
I would also be interested to this feature to be able to use sparse as a xarray backend. I have seen the pending pull request. Is there anything I can...
Thanks for the quick answer. I have a bit of time next week, I will try to see how to add those tests if you are not available to implement...
Thank you very much, I will try this out
I have added some correction to OBABO that actually require 2 noise processes.
I change the convergence tests (and separate also the tests into convergence and interface tests). I did not update the c1 and c2 as function as @frankschae requested yet, waiting...
By the way, did you know a way to reduce the frequency of the log output? > [ Info: Monte Carlo iteration: 90088/100000 The logs start to be very heavy...
This follow from the type instability of global variable. From your example ```julia julia> typeof(K.(α,x,y)) BroadcastQuasiVector{Float64, typeof(K), Tuple{Float64, BroadcastQuasiVector{Float64, typeof(first), Tuple{Inclusion{SVector{2, Float64}, EuclideanUnitSimplex{2, Float64, :closed}}}}, BroadcastQuasiVector{Float64, typeof(last), Tuple{Inclusion{SVector{2, Float64}, EuclideanUnitSimplex{2,...