Sergei Vorobev
Sergei Vorobev
Sorry. I cannot understand how it can help you. This duration affect only idea in unit test mode. Could you describe how you use that? As I know availability of...
@yuriy-solodkyy I will greatly appreciate if you create issue in YouTrack and describe your problem. I cannot accept this pull request without real problem. In this case, I would like...
Thank you for fix! I'll try to review it, but I need some time. ( May be 2-3 weeks :( ) I tagged the issue so I don't miss this...
Hello, Chris! I cannot accept this change because we need to restart test tasks from Idea. ( It is a feature :) ) For example if you start test from...
Hi, Chris! Could you describe your use case in YouTrack? We cannot remove this code without implementation of basic user stories like run tests from gutter, from Gradle tool window,...
Related to the issue
@Franziskus1988 Thank you for the notification! My issue was about the Gradle test events in the Gradle TAPI. I am not aware of how TAPI test events match the XML...