
Results 26 comments of HW140701

You can change from detector.yolo.darknet import Darknet in darknet2onnx.py to detector.yolo.darknet_trt import Darknet, and it will work.

> > 你好,我在用python darknet2onnx.py --cfg ./detector/yolo/cfg/yolov3-spp.cfg --weight ./detector/yolo/data/yolov3-spp.weights > > 的时候报错了,能不能帮我看下 > > 您好,请问您解决了吗,我这里提示是3个参数,这如何解决呢 > > ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48466610/128277194-0d521b92-34b1-467e-b1fd-b53c719dedb0.png) 我试了一下,你把darknet2onnx.py中from detector.yolo.darknet import Darknet修改为detector.yolo.darknet_trt import Darknet,就可以了

> well, I will update this repo with parallel processing and a new hand detection model. Waiting for the time I am free. Thanks ! Expect

> @Hzzone In the body.py there are lots of calculations after using the model. These calculations take lots of time. > > ``` > data = torch.from_numpy(im).float() > if torch.cuda.is_available():...

> @HW140701 Is there a PyTorch implementation of Alphapose? maybe you can see [https://github.com/MVIG-SJTU/AlphaPose](https://github.com/MVIG-SJTU/AlphaPose)