Working latest xml file [Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) Registrations.zip](https://github.com/HPInc/jipp/files/9457003/Internet.Printing.Protocol.IPP.Registrations.zip) ](url)
Working latest XML file [Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) Registrations.zip](https://github.com/HPInc/jipp/files/9456998/Internet.Printing.Protocol.IPP.Registrations.zip)
Issues addressed in pull #128 Changes in genTypes.py: - added member attributes of media-col to media-col-database due to [PWG5100.7] - addressed changed syntax for media-col-database => media-size to rangeOfInteger -...
Looking into implementation of integration or functional test framework. Gradle has good support for integration tests. Gradle support for integration test : - [gradle-integration-tests](https://gradlehero.com/gradle-integration-tests/) - [configuring_java_integration_tests](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/java_testing.html#sec:configuring_java_integration_tests) Testing JIPP warrants communicating...
@sbhavana the fix is available in the latest beta release.
Code changes since last JIPP release that can be targeted for next release: - Issue #135 ==> Pull #138 - Issue #137 ==> Pull #142 -- [Changes in March 2023...
Analyzed [RFC8011 section 4.1.3](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8011.html#section-4.1.3) `The attributes within a group MUST be unique; if an attribute with the same name occurs more than once, the group is malformed. Clients MUST NOT...
As per discussion with team, we will release a new version with older kotlin version i.e. 1.5.21 as previous releases. Future releases will done on latest version of kotlin
@andygarratt we have added a fix for overrides attributes in [Release v0.7.16-beta1](https://github.com/HPInc/jipp/releases/tag/v0.7.16-beta1). Can you try reproducing the issue with library version [v0.7.16-beta1](https://github.com/HPInc/jipp/releases/tag/v0.7.16-beta1)