Apology for kept you waiting for long time. As to the icon issue on the window , we reproduced it on release 1.1 and confirmed it is fixed on release...
Due to the human resources of our development team, it is difficult to maintain both the Unity-chan Toon Shader (univerasl) and the almost identical [Unity Toon Shader.](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/index.html) We apologize for...
Hello. We apologize for the late reply. We released [Unity Toon Shader 0.9.0-preview ](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/)which supports URP's Forward+. Due to the human resources of our development team, it is difficult to...
We are not 100% sure. but, we would like to share our status of ECS support for UTS. As UTS has a lot of shader variants already, ECS still drastically...
We are not able to use dev-kit because of this pandemic yet.
Please let me clarify. UTS2 (this repository), will still be supported through bug fixes, but we have shifted our resources to develop new features into a different product called Unity...
We are currently working hard to make ToonShader as an official Unity product. At this moment, we don't have any particular date to announce when this will happen, but having...
Hi, com.unity.toonshader has become a Unity experimental package and it can be installed via Package Manager since [0.6.1-preview](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/com.unity.toonshader/releases/tag/0.6.1-preview) was released. The way to Installing experimental package requires a few steps....
And the documentation is now at [docs.unity3d.com](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/index.html). In order to adapt the package to the Unity standard translation system, we have temporarily removed the Japanese documentation from Github and the...
That is me, made that decision and implemented single pass instanced rendering to UTS2. Nobu grafted my fix to UTS2. It was not easy decision. Yes, we understand what you...