Navdeep Gupta
Navdeep Gupta
This PR addresses the need to control s3 block-public-access configuration available on s3 buckets. This configuration will be useful in situations where account doesn't have the required permissions to grant...
This PR addresses the need to publish the github event actions to a second queue where the events could be further analyzed. This feature is an experimental one which can... Renamed the variable `runner_config` to `queues_config` only for internal webhook module as there was inconsistency in naming this variable between lambda and terraform code. I did come across this...
## Description The runner module is designed with open for extension in mind, instead of requiring users inject all needs. Example of this approach is the module is creating roles...
### 📜 Description Backstage version 1.26.3 The auth-backend after validating the tokens from upstream provider tries to resolve the identity of the user and find the relevant entity from catalog...
This PR avoids the reapplication (in second terraform apply) of policy to the roles as depicted in screen shot below by attaching policies directly to the role. In the absence...