Gulajava Ministudio
Gulajava Ministudio
Is this library supporting new behavior changes about Background Execution Limits in Android 8.0 Oreo ? And can be integrated with JobScheduler well in Android 8.0 ?
Fast Android Networking have been support RxJava for beginning. And can you add support for Kotlin Coroutine in this library ? Or any tips and tricks about how to use...
## Basic Information Device type: Android with version 10 and 11 OS version: Android 10 and Android 11 EasyPermissions version: 3.0.0 ## Describe the problem AppSettings dialog need onActivityResult for...
There is compatibility issue in Nerd Font Patcher for Iosevka 11 or up version. I try patching Iosevka 11.x with font patcher, but causing ligature removed from it. I want...
Thank for making this font. I have some issue with it, can you add some weight variant on it ? Such as Medium weight and Semibold Weight ? Maybe you...
Hello, is this project still maintained ?
From this documentation, there are several transaction in ObjectBox > The class BoxStore offers the following methods to perform explicit transactions: > runInTx: Runs the given runnable inside a...
I have look official volley library in jcenter bintray. But is in that library, also included enhancement in your volley repository ? Or have you merge enhancement from this...
We see some people not satisfied with default syntax highlighting guide on Mayukai Theme color scheme. But don't worry, VS Code provide some settings that can be easily do with...
Semantic highlighting in VS Code 1.45 and newer version, make theme and syntax coloring broken. Not only this theme, but other theme too. Solution for reverting back to original syntax...