Guiyang Xin
Guiyang Xin
Thanks for your answer. I downloaded lapack source and installed it via make install. After running sudo apt install liblapack-dev, I got this liblapack-dev is already the newest version (3.7.1-4ubuntu1)....
My catkin package and CT are in the same workspace.
Can I try Matlab by setting -DMATLAB=true?
In my hpp file, I declare the object as ct::optcon::LQR lqrSolver; In cpp file, I use it as lqrSolver.compute(Q, R, A_ct, B_ct, K_ct);
I am still working on it. I will let you know. Thanks.
Hi @markusgft, The problem is solved. You are right. CT is not a catkin package. My cmakelist was wrong. Also, I think using lapack is the default method for lqr.compute()....
Hi @markusgft, I tested lqr.compute() in different cases. I compiled the code with -DCT_USE_LAPACK=true. I first tested it with a very simple example, where A = [-0.313 56.7 0; -0.0139...
Hi @markusgft , 1. I am doing numerical finite differentiation manually. After getting the linearised system (A and B matrices), I call lqr.compute(Q,R,A,B,K). 2. The R matrix is diagonal in...
Hi @markusgft , I tested the quadrotor example. Matlab and CARE got the same result. I think this is because the rank of controllability matrix is full rank. I used...
Hi @markusgft, I want to use ``` template bool LQR::computeMatlab(const state_matrix_t& Q, const control_matrix_t& R, const state_matrix_t& A, const control_gain_matrix_t& B, control_feedback_t& K, bool checkControllability) { if (!matlabEngine_.isInitialized()) matlabEngine_.initialize(); matlabEngine_.put("Q",...