Gil Zhang
Gil Zhang
> 看样子是USB接收数据没有收到,所以才会显示disconnect。 然而USB发送的数据又能发过去,所以能控制舵机。 这就有点奇怪了。 我在想是不是驱动适配的问题,电脑是什么系统。 WIN几多少位。 【现在的问题是USB能单向传输数据到板子,但PC收不到板子传来的USB消息】 我得抽空看看能不能复现这个问题,才可能解决。 @mcu666 @miaoyizi 我的电脑是win11 专业版的 用舵机调试工具也是disconnected 你这个工具是在哪个版本的系统下使用的
This problem also occurred when I used FasterRCNN for object detection and then model export to onnx, and I was going to export it to WinML.
> Hi @GreenShadeZhang , thank you for submitting this PR. > > Did a quick test in local and could see following error for the WebSPA and WebMVC. Could you...
> "Sorry, there was an error : invalid_scope" while trying to authorize a swagger project > > Identity Logs (here I take basket but it is the same for the...
> I can't get the authorization within the basket swagger ui with your solution. After login, it does not redirect me to the consent html page. Controllers return 401. Can...
> I finally solved it this way: > > In basket client config (Config.cs in Identity solution) I have set the three following properties: > ` RequireConsent = true, IncludeJwtId...
Identityserver3 and identityserver4 are a bit different, so some projects need to adjust the way of authentication use, I adjusted the normal function of webmvc, for different clients also need...
Can this pr be merged?
> Hi @GreenShadeZhang, thank you for your suggestion. > > As of now, we don't have any immediate plan of updating the `Identity Server 4` to the latest version `4.1.1`....