imgui_entt_entity_editor copied to clipboard
A drop-in entity editor for EnTT with Dear ImGui
A drop-in, single-file entity editor for EnTT, with ImGui as graphical backend.
Editor with Entiy-List
With Drag and Drop
example usage
struct Transform {
float x = 0.f;
float y = 0.f;
struct Velocity {
float x = 0.f;
float y = 0.f;
namespace MM {
template <>
void ComponentEditorWidget<Transform>(entt::registry& reg, entt::registry::entity_type e)
auto& t = reg.get<Transform>(e);
ImGui::DragFloat("x", &t.x, 0.1f);
ImGui::DragFloat("y", &t.y, 0.1f);
template <>
void ComponentEditorWidget<Velocity>(entt::registry& reg, entt::registry::entity_type e)
auto& v = reg.get<Velocity>(e);
ImGui::DragFloat("x", &v.x, 0.1f);
ImGui::DragFloat("y", &v.y, 0.1f);
entt::registry reg;
MM::EntityEditor<entt::entity> editor;
The editor uses EnTTv3.10.0 and ImGui. (tested with ImGui 1.68, 1.72b, 1.75, 1.78, 1.82, 1.85, 1.87) To use it with EnTTv3.0.0, use the dedicated branch. For specific EnTT version check the tags, if a new EnTT version does not require a update, I won't make a new Release. Releases available for EnTT 3.1.0, 3.1.1, 3.2.0, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3.x, 3.4.0, 3.6.0-3.8.1, 3.9.0, 3.10.0.