Gabriel Wang

Results 100 comments of Gabriel Wang

@kisvegabor don't worry, I have generated all related files and uploaded them to

Hi @kisvegabor, Maybe you haven't noticed that Arm released a[ community license]( for MDK which allows users to compile and debug freely for non-commercial purposes only: ![image]( So please don't...

@kisvegabor FVP is used to run given elf / axf file. You can use cmake/makefile to compile a LVGL/GUI project.

For your questions: > how to compile it? Please use the normal toolchain to generate an elf file for Cortex-M55, i.e. gcc, llvm or armclang and make sure you write...

To be honest, I am not a Linux user and not good at writing cmake or makefile, hence it is not easy for me to create such an example project....

Can we consider adding a low-level interface for accelerating tiling as described in #3174 ?

> Maybe adding sections [here]( would be better. What do you think? @kisvegabor I like your idea. @mysterywolf I have created a Chinese version and wants to collect sufficient feedback...

@kisvegabor maybe putting a brief and a reference for renderers in get-started and putting all relevant content in a dedicated place is better.

@kisvegabor Thank you and I will write the arm2d part.

@kisvegabor as memory leaking is a serious problem, should I update the cmsis-pack for the fix?