Gabriel Wang

Results 100 comments of Gabriel Wang

> 1. Implement the concept of PEs > 2. Have a basic dispatcher > 3. Modify the architecture to allow yielding. Yes. Agreed. But before "implementing the concept of PEs",...

> I imagine this will create a big overhead for a single CPU board. There will be hundreds of tasks created for each frame. That's not true. For a single...

> 1. block a task: for me it means the task spins in a loop and eats up the CPU. I think yielding a task is more common to say...

@kisvegabor How about starting a dedicated issue for this part first: > 0. define the descriptor of drawing-task * define the data structure of drawing-task, lv_draw_task_t * use lv_draw_task_t to...

@kisvegabor > * "body": filled (rounded) rectangle with or without gradient > * border: used as border and outline too > * shadow > * (bg image: it's a simple...

When you add this GPU support, please also update the PDSC file in the `env_support/cmsis-pack` folder. You can take other GPUs as an example.

@trollcop OK, no problem. By the way, when deploying any cmsis-packs to any project, the internet is NOT required.

If you can merge it now, then this PR can be integrated into the cmsis-pack of Sept monthly update.

@kisvegabor please merge this PR so that I can update the PDSC now

The tiling here just means: repeatedly paving the source image to a target area of the display buffer with at most some mirroring feature. No scale, no recolouring. This is...