Gabriel Wang

Results 100 comments of Gabriel Wang

@kisvegabor So radius means rounded rectangle?

@kisvegabor OK, I understand it now. Thank you. I think this is a typical communication problem: we are talking about the same words but have different background knowledge. Before you...

> how to describe a recolored, rotated, perspective distorted image as one task? That's why I said : Each item should occupy one bit. So there will be a member...

> If we do it this way the the other option should be more verbose too: Well, this is what I want at the very beginning... Maybe you can review...

@kisvegabor For multi-threaded drawing, GPU should be treated as a normal thread at least in the eyes of the upper layers. So: - SW drawing works in an OS task...

@kisvegabor please find my comments below: - "CPU waiting" isn't a bad thing, especially when LVGL works in a dedicated thread of an RTOS. Hence, when CPU waiting, LVGL can...

@kisvegabor > But we won't get more FPS this way even if the MCU has 8 cores. It appears that you only care about LVGL or FPS, but GUI is...

> it doesn't really improves performance "just" lowers CPU usage. That's the purpose of any HW accelerator in MCU. Yes, offloading CPU and letting CPU work on other tasks. If...

@nicusorcitu agree with you. And the key is what you said > much as possible... and keep in mind that > Waiting for GPU, as was pointed, is inevitable.

@kisvegabor YES! Exactly!