Often times we adopt/modify an image from existing literature because the raw data is not available and the result is not always pretty! So it would be better to be...
A new user of Data Vault modelling paradigm here. First of all, huge thanks for implementing the dbtvault project. I was wondering if it would be possible to add support...
Spark now supports pandas - Requesting PandasGUI support for Apache Spark pandas API (previously known as Koalas).
Another multi domain labelling tool has been added
Ref -
The labels are slightly covering the Pole Figure hemisphere boundary with the white background color, making them transparent renders the labels hard to read. It would be great to have...
The calculation of Resolved Shear Stress for TWIN is different than dislocation Glide or slip (MTEX has addressed this with the class [slipSystem](, since slip planes and directions are different...
Bilateral Filter is widely used in image processing, yet it is a simple non-linear, edge-preserving, and noise-reducing smoothing filter. Unlike halfQuadraticFilter, it does not require any coefficient value to input...