Gökhan A.

Results 4 issues of Gökhan A.

After using `pinterest.login()` the data folder stays emtpy.

Hello, Im using Ubuntu 18,04 and with all the specified versions you recommended. This is the error im getting with multiple apps, never got it working. ``` WARNING: Cannot find/read...

**Do you read the FAQ?** - [x] Yes. - [x] [I am going to read now.](https://github.com/Natizyskunk/vscode-sftp/blob/master/FAQ.md) **Describe the bug** When adding private key path `"privateKeyPath": "C:\\Users\\Admin\\.ssh\\id_rsa",` it looks for `'C:\Users\Admin\.ssh\config',`...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73352178/159142933-b81a1e6e-9ec2-4b5a-b81e-bbc3f097698b.png) **In the tutorial the slider has some foreground color but when using it, it looks like this.** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73352178/159142922-74e97d81-1684-465a-baae-8474636a9abe.png)