Hoi, we staan wel nog een paar taalfoutjes in, graag nog eens nalezen!
``` Log file created at: 2022/04/08 20:11:05 Running on machine: censored Log line format: [IWEF]yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg I20220408 20:11:05.355340 937 typesense_server_utils.cpp:309] Starting Typesense 0.23.0.rc20 I20220408 20:11:05.355579 937 typesense_server_utils.cpp:312]...
No OOM messages. Plenty GBs of RAM left, this is a fresh install so no indexes yet.
This is me manually restarting the service so you can see the errors persist. I am on Ubuntu 20.04 and the issue persists even with the latest build.
Okay, thanks. But why can I not visit port 8107? Anything to do with the raft_server messages in the log? EDIT: I found this was because of the peering service...
Also, how can one upgrade the Typesense server (semi-)automatically when having installed it through a "DEB package on Ubuntu/Debian"?
This is impossible with how Forge works unfortunately.