I do not believe that the original f.lux for Windows is open source.
I really miss this feature. When can we expect it to be re-added? :)
I'm getting the same warning in my error log. I've made sure that www-data is the owner of the entire _h5ai folder.
DId you ever come closer to looking into this feature? :)
When can we expect this pull request to be merged? It's a MUCH needed feature! :)
I've stumbled onto the same issue, however I have only been able to reproduce it with boot in Windows 10 set to UEFI. If I run a legacy boot version...
I was able to run it without any issues when removing Spice as a component and then just downloaded the spiace-guest-tools directly from instead. (For anyone needing a workaround)
I would love to see this implemented!