
Results 15 comments of Vladimir

Look at the demo. Grouped photo.

Please, provide a bit more information. Errors in console or code which you use to load.

> think it's due to insertHTML execCommand which is not supported? Does it mean that all plugins which using `insertHTML` will not work anymore? https://github.com/Alex-D/Trumbowyg/blob/develop/plugins/highlight/trumbowyg.highlight.js#L46 https://github.com/Alex-D/Trumbowyg/blob/develop/plugins/noembed/trumbowyg.noembed.js#L91 https://github.com/Alex-D/Trumbowyg/blob/develop/plugins/pasteembed/trumbowyg.pasteembed.js#L85 https://github.com/Alex-D/Trumbowyg/blob/develop/plugins/preformatted/trumbowyg.preformatted.js#L66

Ok, I see two ways. Wait for v3 and when update the code or drop support for old IE. :)

I meant an extended error description. Not a predefined value.

I'm create fiddle at https://jsfiddle.net/qmeqkxvz/ Open console and you can see an error like `bootstrap-slider.js - WARNING: $.fn.slider namespace is already bound. Use the $.fn.bootstrapSlider namespace instead.`

I think that the logout url must be redirect on the same page. Example: http://mysite.com -> http://disqus.com/logout/?redirect=http://mysite.com -> http://mysite.com But second url on my page w/o original url. Just a...

Yep. It's working. The problem was on the Disqus server. If html request w/o referrer when the 'logout url' is empty.

As you can see on the first screenshot the disqus form is very compressed. And if I view the page on my tablet I cannot see the form even if...

> unregistered users You meant Guest or Public?