Gabriela Larregle
Gabriela Larregle
hi @mike-north could you please take a look at this pr? Thanks
I will work on the following: **Ember.Component.reopen** **Passing tagName to LinkTo** **Passing disabledWhen to LinkTo** **Old deprecate method imports**
@cibernox This would be very useful, any updates on it?
If anyone comes to this issue, I could solve it like this: I added a fallback for source: ```js get sources() { return [ { url: myRealSrc, mimeType: myRealMime, },...
I could fix this by setting `positionInterval` option to 10 milliseconds.
@jkeen Thanks, we're on [email protected]. Can you tell me what package version of `ember-stereo` would work w/ it?