Weiming Liao
Weiming Liao
```c++ class Solution { int base=1337; public: int fastPow(int fbase, int power){ if(power==0) return 1; int res=1; if(power%2==1){ return (fastPow(fbase%base,power-1)*(fbase%base))%base; } else{ res=fastPow((fbase%base), power/2); return (res*res)%base; } } int superPow(int...
167两数之和C++ 注意+1 ``` cpp class Solution { public: vector twoSum(vector& numbers, int target) { int left=0,right=numbers.size()-1; while(left
Thanks for your reply. The OpenDRIVE file is passed the test normally, but the fbx file shows like this figure, I maybe try to fix it
hi , It is my zip file [test.zip](https://github.com/johschmitz/blender-driving-scenario-creator/files/9416425/test.zip) e