if the index.d.ts file were used in the root directory and the entire project was done through it and is also specified in types (typings), as the TypeScript documentation says,...
Yes, I looked at the documentation that was generated, but I found a couple of comments. in OHandler.d.ts Look in line where use get method you write in correct, having...
easy `and(or(eq('age', 20), eq('age', 19)),eq('birthday',1986))` or `or(eq('age', 20), eq('age', 19).and(eq('birthday',1986)))` function returned object wich has methods or. er, and .. etc. or used toString() get complited query.
Слабая связанность и Сильная сплоченность
Ну если так то можно не дословно переводить (пример Ghost in the Shell - можно перевсти как призрак в ракушке) К примеру Слабо зависимы но Сильно связаны