
Results 164 comments of Ghost-Terms

> I can't find any software that have such feature. From code perspective, this feature would add unnecessary complication with very little benefits(In most of situations, reorganizing folder structure is...

> There were some breaking changes to v2 syntax that required some adjustment, but I have managed to get a v2 version partially working against AHK 2.0-a122-f595abc2. It is _not_...

> I'll have to look later if it's backwards compatible or not -- I ran it through a syntax converter to start and then just followed the trail for the...

> 3. Rewrite in PowerShell; not really ueful for all platforms except windows, but potentially could be more interesting (better integration etc) for Windows. The cross-platform version of PowerShell...

Same issue here. I have the latest JDK 13 on Windows (annoying that I can't use JDK 8 anymore).

> So let me get this straight... > > Java 8 (the most widely used version by far) is intentionally not supported because ??? > But newer Java versions are...

Perhaps the `TamperProtection` key in `HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Features` might be something that is only honored during the initial install of the OS, similar to the `ShippedWithReserves` key for the Reserved Storage...

> Well, I'm wondering how many users would use this feature. I'm extremely interested in this feature, especially for CLI capture. I can hide a lot of elements I deem...

> @ImportTaste I added an option `--browser-stylesheet` to inject a stylesheet after the page is loaded. You're awesome. Thank you.

> I'm sure CompatTelRunner is great/OK on SSDs, but it is not an exaggeration to say that CompatTelRunner completely dominates disk bandwidth on mechanical disks. I have a beefy Haswell-E...