Blot Emmanuel

Results 11 comments of Blot Emmanuel

I had the same problem on lutris. Its because of the audio driver.. By default it is alsa used and u need pulseaudio or maybe is it the reverse? I...

MB, just did a full repair and no problem either

Hi! I had the same problem yesterday but I found a fix. First, you will need winetricks (`sudo apt install winetricks`). Then in a terminal do: `export WINEPREFIX=/path/to/your/wine/prefix && winetricks`....

Hi I had the same error with the same snaps as you. All i did was using a fresh wineprefix but with the candidate version of wine-platform-runtime. Try this one!...

I will give it a try. Thanks

> So, based on the very limited testing I've been able to do so far, the issue seems to arise wherever the database storing champions (and possibly also for skins)...

@mmtrt ty I am testing . Do you guys need a log file? ERROR: blotemmanuel@HP-ProBook-6460b:~/Téléchargements$ sudo snap install wine-platform-4-staging_4.16_amd64.snap --dangerous Warning: /snap/bin was not found in your $PATH. If you've...

@mmtrt file:///snap/bin/leagueoflegends file:///snap/bin/leagueoflegends.wineboot file:///snap/bin/leagueoflegends.winecfg file:///snap/bin/leagueoflegends.wineserver file:///snap/bin/leagueoflegends.winetricks file:///snap/bin/spotify those are the only files in /snap/bin

Fixed I did this: snap connect leagueoflegends:wine-4-staging wine-platform-4-staging Edit: Still getting the bugsplat 0051:err:winediag:wined3d_dll_init Setting multithreaded command stream to 0. LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Application Version: - CL:2983143 - Build Date:Nov 18...

well guys. I can't make this work again. So I will just completely reinstall tomorrow my league. Keep me in touch ^^. See you