leagueoflegends copied to clipboard
9.23 patch BugSplat error message
League of Legends screen record with error; ...and one more link if the first will not work. In this video file all about the problem, as much as I may show. Error log after run league of legends from xterm. Lubuntu 18.10 cosmic x86_64 with Linux kernel 4.18.0-25-generic Anything additional information is needed?
$ snap list
Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
core 16-2.42.1 8039 stable canonical✓ core
core18 20191030 1265 stable canonical✓ base
gtk-common-themes 0.1-25-gcc83164 1353 stable canonical✓ -
leagueoflegends 1.0 55 edge mmtrt devmode
wine-platform-4-staging 4.16 24 candidate mmtrt -
wine-platform-runtime v1.0 56 beta mmtrt -
can you post info about your system?
I've just updated & tested game working fine here no such issues. Maybe try creating fresh wineprefix see #7 for HowTo.
Hi I had the same error with the same snaps as you. All i did was using a fresh wineprefix but with the candidate version of wine-platform-runtime. Try this one! 👍
Hi, same here... snap list
Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
core 16-2.42.1 8039 stable canonical✓ core
core18 20191030 1265 stable canonical✓ base
gtk-common-themes 0.1-25-gcc83164 1353 stable canonical✓ -
hello-world 6.4 29 stable canonical✓ -
leagueoflegends 1.0 55 edge mmtrt devmode
snapd 2.42.1 5306 stable canonical✓ snapd
wine-platform-4-staging 4.16 24 candidate mmtrt -
wine-platform-runtime v1.0 58 candidate mmtrt -
wine-platform-runtime witth candidate version..
so your game is actually running beyond the champ select on version 9.23 ? thats cool - many people on the league of linux reddit complain too, that their games not working, some with bugsplats , some without
nope, bunch of bugsplat popups, when i start the game so i have to kill the process..
so rito broke game again with preseason update and this needs new wine patch fixes.
https://bugs.winehq.org/attachment.cgi?id=65743&action=diff#a/dlls/ntdll/thread.c_sec1 by https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflinux/comments/dyvdse/did_the_new_preseason_patch_break_league/
can you post info about your system?
I've just updated & tested game working fine here no such issues. Maybe try creating fresh wineprefix see #7 for HowTo. CPU, mem, pci
can you post info about your system? I've just updated & tested game working fine here no such issues. Maybe try creating fresh wineprefix see #7 for HowTo. CPU, mem, pci
your ptoblem may be that your wine is still set to windows XP - it should be windows 7 by now, as riot stoppped ysupporting windows xp, so try to set it to windows 7 manually (leagueoflegends.winecfg
) and see if you are able to log in
Due to preseason patch the game is broken atm though - you wont be able to play, nor spectate - but you should at least be able to login into the client - then we wait for mmtrt to provide a patch for wine now
can you post info about your system?
I've just updated & tested game working fine here no such issues. Maybe try creating fresh wineprefix see #7 for HowTo.
I've done it now and got the same error. :<
can you post info about your system? I've just updated & tested game working fine here no such issues. Maybe try creating fresh wineprefix see #7 for HowTo. CPU, mem, pci
your ptoblem may be that your wine is still set to windows XP - it should be windows 7 by now, as riot stoppped ysupporting windows xp, so try to set it to windows 7 manually (
) and see if you are able to log inDue to preseason patch the game is broken atm though - you wont be able to play, nor spectate - but you should at least be able to login into the client - then we wait for mmtrt to provide a patch for wine now
The error has already appeared with prefix "win7", and after it I changed prefix to "winxp", and then this error has came again. :)
The reason for having the prefix version as winxp was to resolve initial bugsplat issues as an earlier patch for issues required winxp, additionally winxp support was dropped months ago but the game would still run fine, plus the reason for dropping winxp support was to allow updates to the CEF framework behind the client which launches the game, not the game window itself.
The same issue was also happening last PBE cycle (maybe could be an idea to preemptively test PBE versions in the future for less live downtime on such issues, idk?). Seems for now it's just a case of waiting for wine patches to be created and distributed to solve the issues :(
I've compiled wine
with fixes and good news is that seems to work fine for now in AppImg and bad news in Snap game is still crashing after champion select.
I'll push snap wine update to beta branch so further you guys could test it and again I also update league snap as well as I found weird winetricks bug with args which I reverted change that fixes install directx
issue on preinstalled game.
More testing in the morning or later today as im tired and sleepy.
I will give it a try. Thanks
Same issue. I saw the following message though
LeagueClient.exe(00000034): WARN| rcp-be-lol-patch| Patcher: Error verifying game install: Error opening patch database: The database wasn't closed cleanly
LeagueClient.exe(000000AE): WARN| <unknown-plugin>| Patcher: Error opening existing database C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/Game.db: The database wasn't closed cleanly
LeagueClient.exe(000000AE): WARN| <unknown-plugin>| Patcher: Repair: Error rechunking file DATA/FINAL/Champions/Annie.wad.client: Invalid Wad file identifier
The bugsplat also occurs when entering the Champions tab of the Collection tab of the client. This suggests potentially an issue with incorrectly handling the database containing champion info, and possibly overflows or corruption of the database. Has anyone tried completely reinstalling LoL with the beta wine-platform-runtime?
The bugsplat also occurs when entering the Champions tab of the Collection tab of the client. This suggests potentially an issue with incorrectly handling the database containing champion info, and possibly overflows or corruption of the database. Has anyone tried completely reinstalling LoL with the beta wine-platform-runtime?
Yes I did and same issue as my previous comment
So, based on the very limited testing I've been able to do so far, the issue seems to arise wherever the database storing champions (and possibly also for skins) is being handled (i.e. champ select, collection tab, store) so that may be linked to the issue? I'll have a look through my bugsplat logs to see if anything else sticks out.
So, based on the very limited testing I've been able to do so far, the issue seems to arise wherever the database storing champions (and possibly also for skins) is being handled (i.e. champ select, collection tab, store) so that may be linked to the issue? I'll have a look through my bugsplat logs to see if anything else sticks out.
I can't even launch the client (getting a bugsplat) with the beta version of the wine snap. I used a fresh wineprefix and both windows XP and 7 versions. This issue is kind of weird. By the way the appimage works for the client but i am getting a bugsplat after champ select.
- Plus Fonts issue
I get the fonts issue as well but am able to launch the client via the snap. Looking at the logs, something is triggering segmentation faults causing the client to enter a crash loop until the process is killed, but I can't quite tell what as of yet. Will keep looking.
@getta91 you need to install directx9
in appimg
Build server seems to be not uploading snap built so here is link for snap pkg
Download it then install with this command where that snap pkg is located.
sudo snap install wine-platform-4-staging_4.16_amd64.snap --dangerous
@mmtrt ty I am testing . Do you guys need a log file?
ERROR: blotemmanuel@HP-ProBook-6460b:~/Téléchargements$ sudo snap install wine-platform-4-staging_4.16_amd64.snap --dangerous Warning: /snap/bin was not found in your $PATH. If you've not restarted your session since you installed snapd, try doing that. Please see https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/9469 for more details.
wine-platform-4-staging 4.16 installed
Having done some more testing of the client, I believe the issue to be regarding the database containing which champions are owned by the player. I believe this due to the nature of the bugsplats occurring during champion select, when viewing the player's collection of champions, and when selecting "show owned" in the champions tab of the store. As of yet I am unsure as to why this is causing bugsplats, but the bugsplats are repeatable. One upon first launching the client, and then a second that causes a crash loop upon any one of the 3 activities I outlined above.
Open question, is it possible that the champion database is too large to be opened under a winxp environment? I believe a while back there was a patch that adjusted how much memory could be used, and it might have something to do with the fact that the UXRenderer crashes due to segmentation faults...
Tested the training mode and i works, so I think the problem isn't champions database. But when I try to change runes it crashes and reopen client in training lobby
@mmtrt file:///snap/bin/leagueoflegends file:///snap/bin/leagueoflegends.wineboot file:///snap/bin/leagueoflegends.winecfg file:///snap/bin/leagueoflegends.wineserver file:///snap/bin/leagueoflegends.winetricks file:///snap/bin/spotify those are the only files in /snap/bin
@getta91 that's just warning try to game.
Fixed I did this:
snap connect leagueoflegends:wine-4-staging wine-platform-4-staging
Edit: Still getting the bugsplat
0051:err:winediag:wined3d_dll_init Setting multithreaded command stream to 0.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Application Version: - CL:2983143 - Build Date:Nov 18 2019 - Build Time:16:50:09
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Generating new machine id
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Direct Launch enabled for league_of_legends.live in environment 'live' for app path 'C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe' and install dir 'C:\Riot Games\League of Legends'
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| The following message is prepared to be sent to dradis:
Event Name: riot__rclient__direct_launch
common.os_platform: Windows
common.application_name: LeagueClient
common.cef_version: 74.1.19+gb62bacf+chromium-74.0.3729.157
common.installation_id: QSR0pA==
common.locale: en_GB
common.os_version_major: 7
common.machine_id: ZUqu9TJvwkqHvu+9pDgmHg==
common.os_edition: Ultimate N, x64
common.os_version_minor: Service Pack 1
common.region: EUW
common.session_id: 4d46eb01-8cfc-5641-a224-3abdd4a09dd1
patchline_id: live
total_duration_secs: 0.000800
current_app_path: C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe
install_path: C:\Riot Games\League of Legends
product_id: league_of_legends
riotclient_environment: live
uninstalling: false
total_launches: 12
seq_launches: 2
total_install_attempts: 3
seq_install_attempts: 0
install_settings: {"aux-environment":"live","installer-decrypt-key":"ZuV40vGHTGYoUCpx","installer-filename":"rc-win.enc","seq-install-attempts":0,"seq-success-count":2,"success-count":12,"total-install-attempts":3,"uninstaller-repaired":true,"upgrade-ready":false}
recovery_total: 0
recovery_successes: 0
recovery_failures: 0
result: failed
last_platform_error: 2
failure_code: 103
failure_name: InstallsFileNotExist
failure_description: No Riot Client installs available: C:/ProgramData/Riot Games/RiotClientInstalls.json does not exist
critical_failure: false
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Queued Dradis event to be sent.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Running LeagueClient version
LeagueClient.exe(0000002F): ALWAYS| Tracing worker thread running.
LeagueClient.exe(0000002F): ALWAYS| Keeping up to 10 tracing logs.
LeagueClient.exe(0000002F): ALWAYS| Tracing CompactJsonWriter at C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2019-11-20T22-01-02_8_LeagueClient-tracing.json
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Phase Begin - Init
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Loaded plugin manifest file plugin-manifest.json.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Begin Launch Ux Process
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| End Launch Ux Process
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Mounted all WadFiles in 258.088 milliseconds.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Loaded all plugins in 2780.307 milliseconds. All warming in 0.000 milliseconds. All loading in 2050.833 milliseconds.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Phase Begin - Initializing plugins
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-client-config: 1.6.1
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-rso-auth: 1.8.24
LeagueClient.exe(00000046): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-rso-auth| RSOClient::SetRSOConfig url: https://auth.riotgames.com/token, clientId: lol, scopes: openid offline_access lol ban profile email phone birthdate
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-patch: 1.5.96
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-patcher: 1.20.35
LeagueClient.exe(00000046): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-rso-auth| rso-auth: OpenID configuration fetch succeeded after 1 tries
LeagueClient.exe(00000043): ALWAYS| rcp-be-client-config| Updated public config for LeagueClient with 61 entries
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| The following message is prepared to be sent to dradis:
Event Name: riot__rclient__rads__patcher_operation
common.application_name: LeagueClient
common.client_id: lol
common.cef_version: 74.1.19+gb62bacf+chromium-74.0.3729.157
common.installation_id: QSR0pA==
common.locale: en_GB
common.os_version_major: 7
common.machine_id: ZUqu9TJvwkqHvu+9pDgmHg==
common.os_edition: Ultimate N, x64
common.os_platform: Windows
common.os_version_minor: Service Pack 1
common.region: EUW
common.session_id: 4d46eb01-8cfc-5641-a224-3abdd4a09dd1
initial_check: true
cdn: akamai
success: success
operation_type: check
patchline: live-euw-win
patcher: chunking
version: 69
published_at: 2019-11-20T06:04:53.529000
url: https://lol.secure.dyn.riotcdn.net/channels/public/live-euw-win.json
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Queued Dradis event to be sent.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-login: 1.6.15
LeagueClient.exe(00000047): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-login| Initialize complete: Login mode is Legacy
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-platform-config: 1.1.10
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-riot-messaging-service: 1.3.12
LeagueClient.exe(00000035): ALWAYS| rcp-be-riot-messaging-service| External Connection State: 0
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-player-preferences: 1.0.31
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-game-settings: 1.1.21
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-league-session: 1.0.0
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-summoner: 2.6.2
LeagueClient.exe(00000036): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-summoner| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000036): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-summoner| LeagueEdgeClientEnabled not ready ( EnabledConfig EnabledServicesConfig TrafficBalanceRateConfig ServiceName IsLoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000036): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-summoner| LeagueEdgeClientEnabled not ready ( EnabledConfig EnabledServicesConfig TrafficBalanceRateConfig ServiceName IsLoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000036): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-summoner| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000036): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-summoner| LeagueSessionEnabled not ready ( LeagueSessionEnabledConfig LeagueSessionServiceEnabledConfig ServiceName )
LeagueClient.exe(00000036): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-summoner| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000036): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-summoner| LeagueEdgeClient URL: https://euw.ledge.leagueoflegends.com
LeagueClient.exe(00000036): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-summoner| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-settings: 1.0.50
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| The following message is prepared to be sent to dradis:
Event Name: riot__rclient__lcu__preferences__event
common.application_name: LeagueClient
common.client_id: lol
common.cef_version: 74.1.19+gb62bacf+chromium-74.0.3729.157
common.installation_id: QSR0pA==
common.locale: en_GB
common.os_version_major: 7
common.machine_id: ZUqu9TJvwkqHvu+9pDgmHg==
common.os_edition: Ultimate N, x64
common.os_platform: Windows
common.os_version_minor: Service Pack 1
common.region: EUW
common.session_id: 4d46eb01-8cfc-5641-a224-3abdd4a09dd1
event_name: load_lcu_preferences_succeeded_local
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Queued Dradis event to be sent.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-game-queues: 1.3.24
LeagueClient.exe(00000032): WARN| rcp-be-lol-game-queues| Queues configuration is not available yet: (Game Type Configs) (Platform Enabled Queues)
LeagueClient.exe(00000032): WARN| rcp-be-lol-game-queues| Custom configuration is not available yet: (Game Type Configs) (Custom Game Type Configs) (Customs Enabled) (Maps) (Modes) (Mutators)
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-maps: 1.3.9
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-gameflow: 1.20.49
LeagueClient.exe(0000003E): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-gameflow| Gameflow: entering state 'Gameflow'
LeagueClient.exe(0000003E): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-gameflow| Gameflow: entering state 'None'
LeagueClient.exe(0000003E): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-gameflow| Resetting gameflow session resource
LeagueClient.exe(0000003E): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-gameflow| Exiting game flow
LeagueClient.exe(0000003E): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-gameflow| Game flow is already inactive.
LeagueClient.exe(0000003E): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-gameflow| Patcher unlocked
LeagueClient.exe(0000003E): WARN| rcp-be-lol-game-queues| Queues configuration is not available yet: (Game Type Configs) (Platform Enabled Queues)
LeagueClient.exe(0000003E): WARN| rcp-be-lol-game-queues| Custom configuration is not available yet: (Game Type Configs) (Custom Game Type Configs) (Customs Enabled) (Maps) (Modes) (Mutators)
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-player-notifications: 1.1.6
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-player-notifications| PlayerNotificationsPlugin::Initialize: configuring and initializing the plugin...
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-player-notifications| PlayerNotificationsPlugin::StartExpirationChecker: checking every 15 seconds.
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-player-notifications| PlayerNotificationsPlugin::Initialize: initialization complete.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-loyalty: 1.0.26
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-store: 1.3.7
LeagueClient.exe(00000047): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-store| StorePlugin not ready ( LoggedIn StoreEndpoint Region Headers )
LeagueClient.exe(00000047): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-store| StorePlugin not ready
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-inventory: 1.4.17
LeagueClient.exe(0000004B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-inventory| Inventory configuration: ( AccountId AuthHeaders InventoryServiceUrl PUUID Enabled LoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-lobby-team-builder: 1.9.50
LeagueClient.exe(00000035): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby-team-builder| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000035): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby-team-builder| LeagueEdgeClientEnabled not ready ( EnabledConfig EnabledServicesConfig TrafficBalanceRateConfig ServiceName IsLoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000035): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby-team-builder| LeagueEdgeClientEnabled not ready ( EnabledConfig EnabledServicesConfig TrafficBalanceRateConfig ServiceName IsLoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000035): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby-team-builder| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000035): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby-team-builder| LeagueSessionEnabled not ready ( LeagueSessionEnabledConfig LeagueSessionServiceEnabledConfig ServiceName )
LeagueClient.exe(00000035): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby-team-builder| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000035): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby-team-builder| LeagueEdgeClient URL: https://euw.ledge.leagueoflegends.com
LeagueClient.exe(00000035): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby-team-builder| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-champions: 1.4.0
LeagueClient.exe(00000043): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-champions| LoyaltyStatusNotification is updated without login.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-champ-select-legacy: 1.8.4
LeagueClient.exe(00000036): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-champ-select-legacy| lol-champ-select-legacy: ChampSelect: entering state 'ChampSelect'
LeagueClient.exe(00000036): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-champ-select-legacy| lol-champ-select-legacy: ChampSelect: entering state 'NotSelecting'
LeagueClient.exe(00000036): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-champ-select-legacy| lol-champ-select-legacy: ChampSelect: entering state 'NoSelections'
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-champ-select: 1.9.8
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-acs: 1.2.21
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-end-of-game: 1.8.15
LeagueClient.exe(0000003C): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-end-of-game| Entering state 'EoG_Flow'
LeagueClient.exe(0000003C): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-end-of-game| Entering state 'BeforeEndOfGame'
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-collections: 1.10.11
LeagueClient.exe(00000041): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-inventory| Inventory configuration: ( AccountId AuthHeaders InventoryServiceUrl PUUID Enabled LoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-pre-end-of-game: 1.0.9
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-ranked: 1.0.122
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-ranked| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-ranked| LeagueEdgeClientEnabled not ready ( EnabledConfig EnabledServicesConfig TrafficBalanceRateConfig ServiceName IsLoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-ranked| LeagueEdgeClientEnabled not ready ( EnabledConfig EnabledServicesConfig TrafficBalanceRateConfig ServiceName IsLoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-ranked| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-ranked| LeagueEdgeClient is using RSO headers
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): WARN| rcp-be-lol-ranked| LeagueEdgeClient ignoring empty access token, this may mask connectivity errors in the future.
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-ranked| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-ranked| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-ranked| LeagueEdgeClient URL: https://euw.ledge.leagueoflegends.com
LeagueClient.exe(0000003B): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-ranked| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-spectator: 1.0.22
LeagueClient.exe(00000049): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-spectator| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000049): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-spectator| LeagueEdgeClientEnabled not ready ( EnabledConfig EnabledServicesConfig TrafficBalanceRateConfig ServiceName IsLoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000049): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-spectator| LeagueEdgeClientEnabled not ready ( EnabledConfig EnabledServicesConfig TrafficBalanceRateConfig ServiceName IsLoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000049): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-spectator| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000049): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-spectator| LeagueEdgeClient is using RSO headers
LeagueClient.exe(00000049): WARN| rcp-be-lol-spectator| LeagueEdgeClient ignoring empty access token, this may mask connectivity errors in the future.
LeagueClient.exe(00000049): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-spectator| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000049): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-spectator| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000049): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-spectator| LeagueEdgeClient URL: https://euw.ledge.leagueoflegends.com
LeagueClient.exe(00000049): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-spectator| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-sanitizer: 1.3.26
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ALWAYS| rcp-be-sanitizer| SanitizerPlugin::Initialize: configuring and initializing the plugin...
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ALWAYS| rcp-be-sanitizer| Configure: region=EUW, locale=en_GB, adhocIncludes.size=0, adhocExcludes.size=0, adhocWhitelist.size=0, whitelistEnabled=true
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.filter.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.filter.category.riot.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.filter.country.gb.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.filter.language.en.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.filter.region.euw.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/1.filter.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/1.filter.country.gb.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/1.filter.language.en.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/1.filter.region.euw.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/2.filter.category.riot.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/2.filter.country.gb.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/2.filter.language.en.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/2.filter.region.euw.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/3.filter.category.riot.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/3.filter.country.gb.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/3.filter.language.en.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/3.filter.region.euw.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.unfilter.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.unfilter.category.riot.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.unfilter.country.gb.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.unfilter.language.en.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.unfilter.region.euw.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/1.unfilter.category.riot.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/1.unfilter.country.gb.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/1.unfilter.region.euw.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/2.unfilter.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/2.unfilter.category.riot.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/2.unfilter.country.gb.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/2.unfilter.language.en.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/2.unfilter.region.euw.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/3.unfilter.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/3.unfilter.category.riot.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/3.unfilter.country.gb.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/3.unfilter.language.en.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/3.unfilter.region.euw.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.whitelist.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.whitelist.category.riot.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.whitelist.country.gb.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.whitelist.language.en.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/0.whitelist.region.euw.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/1.whitelist.category.riot.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/1.whitelist.country.gb.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/1.whitelist.language.en.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/1.whitelist.region.euw.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/2.whitelist.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/2.whitelist.category.riot.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/2.whitelist.country.gb.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/2.whitelist.language.en.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/2.whitelist.region.euw.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/3.whitelist.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/3.whitelist.category.riot.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/3.whitelist.country.gb.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/3.whitelist.language.en.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ERROR| Plugin Manager| Failed to serve /sanitizer/assets/3.whitelist.region.euw.csv
LeagueClient.exe(00000044): ALWAYS| rcp-be-sanitizer| Initialize: initialization complete.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-chat: 1.6.4
LeagueClient.exe(0000004D): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-chat| External Connection State: 0
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-entitlements: 0.0.28
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-matchmaking: 1.5.16
LeagueClient.exe(00000049): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-matchmaking| Matchmaking: entering state 'Matchmaking'
LeagueClient.exe(00000049): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-matchmaking| Matchmaking: entering state 'Available'
LeagueClient.exe(00000049): WARN| rcp-be-lol-game-queues| Queues configuration is not available yet: (Game Type Configs) (Platform Enabled Queues)
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-kr-shutdown-law: 1.1.3
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-queue-eligibility: 1.2.21
LeagueClient.exe(0000004B): WARN| rcp-be-lol-game-queues| Queues configuration is not available yet: (Game Type Configs) (Platform Enabled Queues)
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-lobby: 1.22.38
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby| LobbyFlow: entering state 'LobbyFlow'
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby| LobbyFlow: entering state 'OutOfLobby'
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby| LeagueEdgeClientEnabled not ready ( EnabledConfig EnabledServicesConfig TrafficBalanceRateConfig ServiceName IsLoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby| LeagueEdgeClientEnabled not ready ( EnabledConfig EnabledServicesConfig TrafficBalanceRateConfig ServiceName IsLoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby| LeagueSessionEnabled not ready ( LeagueSessionEnabledConfig LeagueSessionServiceEnabledConfig ServiceName )
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby| LeagueEdgeClient URL: https://euw.ledge.leagueoflegends.com
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-lobby| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): WARN| rcp-be-lol-lobby| Can't check registration status, not connected
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): WARN| rcp-be-lol-game-queues| Custom configuration is not available yet: (Game Type Configs) (Custom Game Type Configs) (Customs Enabled) (Maps) (Modes) (Mutators)
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): WARN| rcp-be-lol-game-queues| Queues configuration is not available yet: (Game Type Configs) (Platform Enabled Queues)
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-inventory| Inventory configuration: ( AccountId AuthHeaders InventoryServiceUrl PUUID Enabled LoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-inventory| Inventory configuration: ( AccountId AuthHeaders InventoryServiceUrl PUUID Enabled LoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): WARN| rcp-be-lol-lobby| Can't check registration status, not connected
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-inventory| Inventory configuration: ( AccountId AuthHeaders InventoryServiceUrl PUUID Enabled LoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-inventory| Inventory configuration: ( AccountId AuthHeaders InventoryServiceUrl PUUID Enabled LoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000037): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-inventory| Inventory configuration: ( AccountId AuthHeaders InventoryServiceUrl PUUID Enabled LoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-loadouts: 5.1.1
LeagueClient.exe(00000034): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-loadouts| LoadoutsPlugin not ready ( Enabled PUUID ServiceURL Headers )
LeagueClient.exe(00000034): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-loadouts| LoadoutsPlugin not ready
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-missions: 1.1.85
LeagueClient.exe(00000032): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-missions| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000032): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-missions| LeagueEdgeClie0067:err:winediag:wined3d_dll_init Setting multithreaded command stream to 0.
ntEnabled not ready ( EnabledConfig EnabledServicesConfig TrafficBalanceRateConfig ServiceName IsLoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000032): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-missions| LeagueEdgeClientEnabled not ready ( EnabledConfig EnabledServicesConfig TrafficBalanceRateConfig ServiceName IsLoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000032): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-missions| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000032): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-missions| LeagueSessionEnabled not ready ( LeagueSessionEnabledConfig LeagueSessionServiceEnabledConfig ServiceName )
LeagueClient.exe(00000032): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-missions| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000032): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-missions| LeagueEdgeClient URL: https://euw.ledge.leagueoflegends.com
LeagueClient.exe(00000032): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-missions| LeagueEdgeClient not ready ( IsInitialized LeagueEdgeClientEnabled )
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-honor-v2: 1.0.96
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-catalog: 2.1.2
LeagueClient.exe(00000031): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-inventory| Inventory configuration: ( AccountId AuthHeaders InventoryServiceUrl PUUID Enabled LoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-clash: 1.5.259
LeagueClient.exe(0000003D): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-inventory| Inventory configuration: ( AccountId AuthHeaders InventoryServiceUrl PUUID Enabled LoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(0000003D): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-inventory| Inventory configuration: ( AccountId AuthHeaders InventoryServiceUrl PUUID Enabled LoggedIn )
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-match-history: 1.1.42
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-gcloud-voice-chat: 0.15.11
LeagueClient.exe(0000004A): ERROR| rcp-be-gcloud-voice-chat| JWT to GVT URI was empty.
LeagueClient.exe(0000004A): ALWAYS| rcp-be-gcloud-voice-chat| Voice service configured to use a different provider; will not initialize.
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-clubs: 1.0.63
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-geoinfo: 1.0.5
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-lol-kr-playtime-reminder: 1.0.19
LeagueClient.exe(00000009): ALWAYS| Plugin Manager| Initializing plugin rcp-be-voice-chat: 1.11.7
LeagueClient.exe(00000039): ALWAYS| rcp-be-voice-chat| Attempting to initialize voice chat service...
LeagueClient.exe(00000038): ALWAYS| rcp-be-lol-champions| Ignored Champion Notify.
LeagueClient.exe(00000039): ALWAYS| rcp-be-voice-chat| voice-chat: Successfully initialized voice service SDK
LeagueClient.exe(00000086): ALWAYS|
The reconnect loop is down to HTTP 503 errors (Service Unavailable) trying to connect to the Parties service (know it's not much info but it might end up being useful at some point).
well guys. I can't make this work again. So I will just completely reinstall tomorrow my league. Keep me in touch ^^. See you
welp. It's been fixed in winehq. just download/install it, and grab an offish version of league. that's it.