Gerrit Birkeland

Results 279 comments of Gerrit Birkeland

> In the API, we could also allow multiple themes, and write the matching scopeNames by each theme into each token. This sounds like what I'm looking for. > That's...

> Additionally, if there are several `` used at a same time, a lot of duplicate requests will be sent and could fail... This is a problem with your implementation,...

Since I've made a few of these mistakes: 1. You should only ever call `getHighlighter` once. If you need more than one theme, you can use `hl.loadTheme`, or specify all...

likely: ```ts import x = require("x") ```

Worth linking the doc page:

This is, accidentally I think, the best argument I have seen for TypeDoc "automatically" including non-exported types... TypeDoc is working as intended here - your module entry point re-exports `SomeClass`,...

> A limitation of the JSDoc `@typedef` is that it cannot be declared as or interpreted as a module export. This is not true. `@typedef` declarations in a module *are*...

TypeDoc's goal is to create documentation which is consistent with what is available to your module's consumers. The missing exports plugin provides an escape hatch for those who can't/won't export...

> regardless of whether the typedef itself was explicitly exported This is where we disagree, since the user can't `import { type SomeDataStructure } from "yourLib"`. However, I do believe...

It seems reasonable to me to cascade modifier tags (likely to all children, not just namespace children)... There probably needs to be a way to configure mutually exclusive tags, since...