Gerrit Birkeland

Results 279 comments of Gerrit Birkeland is the only project I'm currently using ts-node + swc, and I don't use decorators there, haven't used it in a project with decorators. (Somewhat of an outdated setup,...

It's been even a while longer - I looked for some way to change the site generation to allow this, but wasn't able to find anything. As a stopgap, here's...

I looked at doing this last weekend and unfortunately I'm not sure how possible this is, without essentially re-implementing tokenizeLine2 in vscode-textmate...

I agree with orta here - I did conventional commits with TypeDoc for a few months, complete with architecture to [generate the changelog]( and [automatically create]( a GitHub release containing...

```js )}(this.shiki=this.shiki||{},vscode-oniguruma,vscode-textmate); ``` ... well that's definitely not desirable output. Possibly a rollup update?

Spent a bit of time looking at this, and I can claim fairly confidently that 0.9.8 is slower than 0.9.3, though I'm not seeing times double. ```js const { performance...

According to a flamegraph, the extra time appears to be in "wasm-function[107]"... given that the only wasm in Shiki is the regex library. I suspect that the root cause of...

Alright, with much more time spent.... I really can't reproduce this at all. I ran tests on about a dozen cases, including the trivial example above, Shiki's 0.9.8 source, Shiki's...

So, dark mode alone wasn't quite sufficient for me. I wanted the color switching with themes that @pveyes built, but without being locked into a specific theme / set of...

That would be awesome. For the CSS mapping - how static would these classes be across different themes? For my use case, I want to be able to generate links...