Gerrit Birkeland

Results 279 comments of Gerrit Birkeland

ReflectionKind - I could see adding a generic catch-all kind that TypeDoc effectively ignores... don't like it though... Sharing data - I would probably use declaration merging to define a...

ReflectionKind - hard to say for sure without trying out adding one and seeing where things go wrong... Biggest one that comes to mind for me is link resolution. Declaration...

Would be nice if this could be made persistent - I'd like to never have open editors show up, this would make me collapse the panel every time I open...

I can't seem to reproduce this, running lapce 0.2.5

It's worth mentioning that links in comments are resolved by TS's language service if you use the local name, but not if you use an exported name. ```ts /** *...

TypeDoc uses the compiler's resolution if available by default, though that's controlled by an option

TSDoc does not support headings yet. #197 In general, TSDoc does **not** follow markdown. Most documentation tools render markdown, but because markdown isn't a format that can be trivially interpreted...

This is expected since TSDoc says that comments are markdown/html, so that should be `<`

Fixed with TypeDoc 0.26, which is releasing 2024/06/21

It is still planned to happen at some point, that's why the issue is still open.