Gerald Aryeetey
Gerald Aryeetey
Potential implementation for handling image/caption clicks ... Based on feature request: #188
Use Case: Someone clicks the image and/or caption ... I want the image to open in a new tab
You should be able to split it up into multiple rules internally. Additionally, other EBNF features or maybe even a modified version of the spec on the [wiki]( would be...
Codelens appears for the abstract test class even though it cannot be run directly (IntelliJ redirects you to the classes that inherit from the abstract class instead ...) Codelens does...
This may appear for other instant answers but it is very much true for mathematics instant answers which almost always have latex involved. It'd be nice if the latex was...
If I have a long tab group name then the search box is pretty much invisible if I it set to shrink when not in use which means I have...