To do: - add missing satchel features (such as engine damage) - add the weapon to role/map loadouts (will require some editing on individual maps) - move textures from anm...
HE shells and rockets with at least 1kg TNT can now break "satchel" barriers!
The fog wall issue, i think, needs no explanation. But i do want to point out few important things about it - while it is impossible to "fully" fix the...
This is a collective issue for all the bugs and proposed changes related to this level. ## Critical priority (level is off rotation until these are resolved) -- ## Low...
This is a collective issue for all the bugs and proposed changes related to this level. ## Critical priority (level is off rotation until these are resolved) -- ## Low...
Assets for these vehicles already exist in (almost) completed condition on "tanks2" branch, in these DH packages: DH_Stug3B_anm, DH_Panzer2_anm, DH_Pz38t_anm They should be implemented. T-26 assets also exist but they...
- implemented mosin with PE and gave to soviet early snipers - implemented kar98k ZF41 (classes are removed temporarily untill we put it on maps) - corrected kar98k ZF39 scope...
This branch has several main goals: - add fragmentation effect to explosives that are supposed to have it (this doesnt include HEAT, offensive grenades, satchels and similar). I've talked to...
Things left to do: - implement last bolting animation feature for mannlicher and carcano (animations themselves are added to animsets) - implement mag rotation on DT-29 (animation is added) ~~-...
- changed 1919A6 fire class to non-fast auto because its a slow firing gun (~500 RPM), so all the shot "packing" functionality is completely redundant here and only introduces visual...