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Weapon update 2023 (wip)
Things left to do:
- implement last bolting animation feature for mannlicher and carcano (animations themselves are added to animsets)
- implement mag rotation on DT-29 (animation is added) ~~- change weapons on western maps (enfield is working on that)~~ done
Added polish variants of: SU-76M, Universal carrier, Sdkfz.251, BA-64
New weapons:
- Gewehr 98
- Mannlicher M95/30
- Vz.24
- Karabiner 98k (ZF41)
- Dismounted DT-29 machinegun
- Maschinenkarabiner 42(H)
- 31m rifle and vz.24 scoped were implemented for hungarian and romanian factions (i.e. for later use)
- progress was made on Carcano 1st person model, animations and sounds (should be merged to italy branch)
- added native weapon name option, improved consistency between weapon names and their accuracy
- very minor adjustment to bullet damages to improve consistency
- Fixed mirrored armbands on volkssturm models
- Reduced belt size on mg42 and M1919A6 to 150 rounds in order to bring these weapons into better consistency with other machineguns in terms of amount of carried ammo
- Slightly adjusted bolting speeds on bolt action rifles for better consistency
Global map/role changes:
- Removed zb30 and kongsberg colt 1914 from default SS loadouts
- removed vk98 from winter VS roles
- added G 98 to volkssturm riflemen
- Squadleaders can no longer pick volkssturm roles
- removed PPS-43 and PPSh-41 stick magazine options from default assault loadouts (they remain in squad leader loadouts)
- On many maps, german sniper options were replaced with kar98k zf41
Specific map changes:
Riga: Swapped zf39 to zf41
Salaca river:
- Swapped zf39 to zf41
- added weapon pickups
- Both teams get a few ”extra” vehicles, which activate if the team loses most objectives; these vehicles respawn only once and ignore max veh limit.
- added mannlicher
- added more weapon pickups
- made kaschade non-capturable by axis
Smolensk Stalemate:
- reduced automatic weapons on both sides
- swapped zf39 to zf41
- placed weapon pickups
Winter Stalemate:
- set tank crew limit to 3 on both teams
- removed anachronistic soviet radio
- swapped zf39 to zf41
- removed mp40 from german engineer
- increased german assault to 3
- added vz24 to german loadouts
- added weapon pickups
Tula Outskirts: Added DT and zf41
Stalingrad Kessel: Added DT and zf41, slightly reduced amount of SMGs
- added DT, vz24 and mkb42h to loadouts
- merged soviet engineer and AT roles
- reduced german assault to 4
Zhitomir1941: swapped zf39 to zf41, added a few weapon pickups
Grey ghosts of war: swapped vk98 to g98, added 2 rifle pickups
Donner Stalemate:
- removed all self-loading weapons from the map
- added new bolt action rifle pickups
- removed donner bolts due to redundancy
- added m95/30 volkssturm rifleman
- minor reduction of automatic weapons in german loadouts
- added weapon pickups
- in order to prevent annoying stalemates at the starting trenches, second cap is made very quick to capture, while first cap is no longer locked after capture
- all polish vehicles are locked untill trenches are captured
- allied armored vehicles are replaced with polish variants and are limited to 3 in total
- shortened unit descriptions so they'd actually fit in the score view and be readable
Red god of war: added DT
Prussia: reduced number of automatic weapons, added zf41
- slightly reduced german automatic weapons
- added pickups
- added mannlicher
myshkova: added DT and zb30, reduced german assault to 2
krasnyi: swapped zf39 to zf41
dom pavlova: added dt29 and zb30, reduced assaults by 2 on both teams
danzig: added vz24 and zb30
flakturm: added mannlicher to volkssturm loadouts, added polish su76m
klin: added DT, minor role changes
cholm: swapped zf39 to zf41, added zb30 and vz24
- fixed most soviet roles having incorrect earlywar insignia
- added DT, zb30, vz24, kar98k with zf41
- swapped zf39 to zf41, added vz24 -capturing bridge no longer disables western crossing; this means that players will no longer be forced to fight for the bridge in order to cross the river -added weapon pickups
Western maps changelog (done by enfield)
Bois jaccques_push - removed sniper, added marksman role, added map spawn zf39 to map
Bridgehead_advance - added zf41 to sniper role and added marksman role to map
Caen_advance - removed 1 sniper, added zf41 to sniper, added two marksmen to map (the area around caen was inundated with snipers, reference to this is here https://www.axishistory.com/various/145-germany-heer/heer-unsorted/4542-german-snipers-in-normandy-1944 )
Cambes en plaine_advance - added marksman role, added zf41 to sniper role (above reference points to 1 sniper being captured within the town)
Carpiquet airfield_advance - removed sniper from map, replaced with marksman role, added a zf39 pickup to map
Chambois_push - removed sniper, added marksman, added map pickup for zf39
Champs de agonie - removed sniper role, added marksman role, added map pickup for zf39
Cheneux_advance/push - removed sniper, added marksman, added map spawn zf39
Dead mans corner push - removed sniper, added marksman, added map spawn zf39
Dog green_push - added a marksman to the map
Fox green defense - added zf41 to sniper, added marksman to map (there are references to snipers wreaking havoc during the earliest stages of the normandy campaign)
Foy_push - removed sniper, added marksman, added map pickup zf39
Fury advance/clash - added zf41 to sniper role, added marksman role to map
Hurtgenwald advance - removed sniper, added marksman, map spawn zf39
Juno beach push - removed sniper, added marksman, map spawn zf39
Jurques advance - added marksman, added zf41 to sniper role, (map is huge, makes sense to have a sniper with a higher power optic on this map)
Kommerschiedt advance - added marksman, added zf41 to sniper loadout (similarly to jurques, map is huge)
La cambe_advance - removed sniper, added marksman, added map spawn zf39
La chapelle push - removed sniper, added marksman, added map spawn zf39
La fueillie advance - added marksman role (2) added zf41 to sniper role (again, map is fuckhuge, having both marksman and snipers makes sense)
La fiere advance night/day - removed sniper, added marksman, added map spawn zf39
La gleize - removed sniper, added marksman, added map spawn zf39
Le champs de losque - removed all snipers, there was three? added one marksman, and a map spawn zf39
Lutremange domination - added zf41 to sniper role (snipers were spotted in and around lutrebois/lutremange)
Maupertus_push - removed sniper, added marksman, added map spawn zf39
Noville advance - removed sniper, added marksman, added map spawn zf39
Neunen advance - added zf41 to sniper role, added marksman (there are memoirs from easy company about snipers in and around neunen)
Pointe du hoc - added zf41 to sniper, added a marksman (ditto with previous beach map changes)
Poteau ambush advance/push - added marksman (sniper only on the push version of this map oddly)
Putot en bessin - added a marksman (map is a again, relatively huge)
Rabenheck -added marksman, added zf41 to sniper loadout
Radar advance - removed sniper, added world spawn zf39, added two marksman (map is fictional)
Raids push - removed sniper, added zf39 world spawn, added marksman
Reichswald_advance -removed sniper, added zf39 world spawn, added marksman
Rhine river clash - added zf41 to sniper, added two marksmen (map is both huge and fictional, gotta have a little fun sometimes)
Road to isigny - removed sniper, added marksman, added world spawn zf39
St marie du mont advance - removed sniper, added marksman, added world spawn zf39
Stavelot_defence/push - removed sniper, added marksman, added world spawn zf39
St clement push - removed sniper, added marksman, added world spawn zf39
Stoumont advance - removed sniper, added marksman, added world spawn zf39
Targnon advance - removed sniper, added marksman, added world spawn zf39
Ten aard - removed sniper, added marksman, added world spawn zf39
Varaville advance - removed sniper, added marksman, added world spawn zf39
Viereville push - removed sniper, added marksman, added world spawn zf39
Vossenack push - removed sniper, added marksman, added world spawn zf39
Wanne advance, added zf41 to sniper, added 1 marksman (map is again, huge)