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OpenStreetMap History Data Analysis Framework

Results 110 oshdb issues
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opened by @nb152 In our last osm data quality meeting, we realized that it would be useful to able to calculate the ratio between two groups of objects e.g. the...

user experience
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At many places serializable classes do not specify a serialVersionUID. We have to decide what we want to do with this. Bloch (Effective Java, Ch. 11) has a strong opinion...

code quality
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Like #91 we use as static analyses to check for code that is not covered by unit-tests. Results can be seen here: https://reports.ohsome.org/oshdb/0.5.0-SNAPSHOT_master/204_c11a8e02/jacoco/ - [ ] oshdb - [ ]...

code quality

Thought experiment: You find an interesting pattern in the OSM data (e.g. something like this: v), and want to investigate it deeper. Often it would be beneficial to write a...


**Problem** OSHDB chose slf4j as abstraction-layer with simple-logger as default framework for logging. Currently the following error-message is displayed when initializing an `OSHDBIgnite`: ``` Apr 25, 2019 10:21:50 AM java.util.logging.LogManager$RootLogger...

user experience

follow up from #272: > can the optimization of _“using `PreparedGeometry.intersects` to reduce expensive intersection calls”_ be applied in the "regular" cell-iterator also? currently, the cell iterator performs (fast) bbox...


A Class that takes OSHDBContributions returns more detailed information like the type of tagChange or memberlistChange etc. spin-off from https://gitlab.gistools.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/giscience/big-data/ohsome/oshdb/issues/118 see: https://gitlab.gistools.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/giscience/big-data/ohsome/oshdb/issues/120 Helpful Methods: - [X] `evaluateTags` to get a...

user experience
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There's already [_some_ functionality](https://docs.ohsome.org/java/oshdb/0.5.10/aggregated/org/heigit/bigspatialdata/oshdb/api/mapreducer/MapReducer.html#osmTag(java.lang.String,java.util.regex.Pattern)) in the OSHDB to filter by OSM tags using regular expressions. But the current implementation does not work on distributed backends (Ignite) because of the non-serializable...


Currently, when querying large, but very sparse multipolygons as areas-of-interest, it can happen that a lot of CPU time is spent inside the _bbox polygon_ testing, leading to poor performance:...


We implement our own ISO 8601 String parser (is there really no default parser out there?). When supplying a Date this is transformed to a Timestamp https://github.com/GIScience/oshdb/blob/eac6d34ac893615c65fe3f30a389f70681c74e33/oshdb-util/src/main/java/org/heigit/bigspatialdata/oshdb/util/time/ISODateTimeParser.java#L59 using the 'start...

good first issue