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OpenStreetMap History Data Analysis Framework

Results 110 oshdb issues
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opened by @tyrasd via kafka or ignite event subscription system see: https://gitlab.gistools.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/giscience/big-data/ohsome/oshdb/issues/80

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opened by @tyrasd related to https://gitlab.gistools.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/giscience/big-data/ohsome/oshdb/issues/52: write tests that individually check the capabilities of the two CellIterator functions: * [ ] `iterateByTimestamps` * [ ] `iterateContributions` Needs to check all...

code quality
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OSHDB-API holds OSM data for unit-tests. This resource should be - [ ] standardised (one type (xml), one place, one file...) - [ ] have a standard transformation into OSH...

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follow up from #26: > Ideally, one would like to start processing with the lower zoom cells, but have them evenly distributed across all threads in the pool (e.g. in...


Please add the **type of change** as label. If your PR is not ready for review and merge, please add `🚧` to the PR title. ### Description Please add a...


### Description Adds documentation on the necessary JVM opts for Ignite and Java 17. ### Corresponding issue Closes #504 ### Checklist - [ ] My code follows the [code-style](https://github.com/GIScience/oshdb/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) rules,...


This PR reintegrates OSMSource, OSHDBUpdate and OSHDBTools. ## Writing TagInterpreter - [x] write new tags - [ ] ensure only one writing TagInterpreter ## OSMSource: - [x] osc (replication files...

Please add the **type of change** as label. If your PR is not ready for review and merge, please add `🚧` to the PR title. ### Description Please add a...

### Problem Description To extract `OSHDBTags` from an `OSMContribution` one needs to extract the `OSMEntity` first like `contribution.getEntityBefore().getTags()`. The extraction of the `Geometry` from an `OSMContribution` is located directly with...
