Hello! I've been trying to merge multiple gseaResult objects such as those from KEGG, Reactome and Wikipathways to generate one ridgeplot only, for an article I've done: ``` reactomegsea
**Describe the issue** Can't customize gene size bars, which make them too small! Even if I try sepwd_genes and sepwd_samples, nothing changes. Setting sepwd_genes to negative values increase the bar...
Hello everyone! I'm trying to run VCF after sucessfully using VEP. When I use: ` vcf2maf --input-vcf /home/gabriel.gama/Mutect2_usingPoN/sample11_withPoN.vcf --output-maf /home/gabriel.gama/Mutect2_usingPoN/sample11_vcf2maf.vep.maf --ref-fasta /home/gabriel.gama/references/ENSEMBL/star/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa ` I'm getting: ` STATUS: Running VEP and...
Hello! I've been trying to run STARSEQR with reads already aligned (with options for arriba, star-fusion and STARSEQR). When running with the following options: ` -sb -sj -p -t 8...
Hello Everyone! I'm trying to install LedFx on my windows 10 machine. I installed the latest python, then the latest Anaconda (py 3.8), and all Visual Studio codes for pyaudio....
Hello everyone! I've been running BWA-MEM 2 to align some WGS samples with human reference grch38.p14 from NCBI, indexed with BWA-MEM2 I've been using: ``` script /home/scripts/alignment_ncbi.txt cat /home/bwa/samplespairstrimmed.csv |...
I'm trying to run somaticseq_parallel on some samples VCFs to call the AI consensus. The version for SomaticSeq is SomaticSeq v3.7.3. Version of XGBOOST is 2.0.2 I've run all mutation...
Hello Xihao! I would suggest two types of information that would be very informative in the summary and annotation of all steps. For quantitative phenotype, a simple mean/median of the...
This is related to #3709 Program rsem-generate-ngvector is still missing from RSEM package, version 1.3.1 (I think this is the most recent version). Not sure why it is missing again...
Hello This is related to #242 It seems like the newest version contains some old bugs for some reason When trying to generate .cnr files with fix command without antitarget...