Results 15 issues of GACGAMA

Hello! I've been trying to merge multiple gseaResult objects such as those from KEGG, Reactome and Wikipathways to generate one ridgeplot only, for an article I've done: ``` reactomegsea

**Describe the issue** Can't customize gene size bars, which make them too small! Even if I try sepwd_genes and sepwd_samples, nothing changes. Setting sepwd_genes to negative values increase the bar...

Hello everyone! I'm trying to run VCF after sucessfully using VEP. When I use: ` vcf2maf --input-vcf /home/gabriel.gama/Mutect2_usingPoN/sample11_withPoN.vcf --output-maf /home/gabriel.gama/Mutect2_usingPoN/sample11_vcf2maf.vep.maf --ref-fasta /home/gabriel.gama/references/ENSEMBL/star/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa ` I'm getting: ` STATUS: Running VEP and...

Hello! I've been trying to run STARSEQR with reads already aligned (with options for arriba, star-fusion and STARSEQR). When running with the following options: ` -sb -sj -p -t 8...

Hello Everyone! I'm trying to install LedFx on my windows 10 machine. I installed the latest python, then the latest Anaconda (py 3.8), and all Visual Studio codes for pyaudio....

Hello everyone! I've been running BWA-MEM 2 to align some WGS samples with human reference grch38.p14 from NCBI, indexed with BWA-MEM2 I've been using: ``` script /home/scripts/alignment_ncbi.txt cat /home/bwa/samplespairstrimmed.csv |...

I'm trying to run somaticseq_parallel on some samples VCFs to call the AI consensus. The version for SomaticSeq is SomaticSeq v3.7.3. Version of XGBOOST is 2.0.2 I've run all mutation...

Hello Xihao! I would suggest two types of information that would be very informative in the summary and annotation of all steps. For quantitative phenotype, a simple mean/median of the...

This is related to #3709 Program rsem-generate-ngvector is still missing from RSEM package, version 1.3.1 (I think this is the most recent version). Not sure why it is missing again...

Hello This is related to #242 It seems like the newest version contains some old bugs for some reason When trying to generate .cnr files with fix command without antitarget...