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wiki for FreeJoy project
Thanks again for this amazing tool. Question: Can the LED state be controlled in a way other than by the state of another button input or axis on the STM32?...
I am trying to get Freejoy to work with a STM32G031k8 board but after getting it to successfully flash i go to the fault analyzer and get a faulty called...
From the ADC datasheet, the analog input ranges from 0 to 5V (if VDD is 5V). As the hall effect joystick from OTTO, APEM and Ruffy are all 0-5V output,...
I love this project, very impressive! For a RC model project I would like to create my own joystick, however to connect this to the TX I would need to...
Hello, I have a problem, the stm32 connects to freejoy, but I put the settings I want and freejoy does not record in stm32? any solution to my problem?
Is it possible to implement Keyboard and Mouse Function for the Buttons in the next Version?
I have connected 3 10k potentiometers as in the instructions, but when I measure the resistance with a multimeter the maximum resistance gets divided by the amount of potentiometers so...
Hi there, I'm looking to incorporate two RKJXT1F42001 "funky switches" into a PCB design that's driven by a blue pill board and Freejoy. The wiring design includes a 4-row x...
Hi there just want to order some shift register 74HC165 and just checked you shared pcb and spot there is R0k for VCC just wonder is that 0 omh resistor...
Hello, I am doing a DIY flightstick project and I wanted to use the firmware framework to make it compatible with the much cheaper STM32F030C8xx series chips. I understand it...