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LED state control/logic
Thanks again for this amazing tool. Question:
Can the LED state be controlled in a way other than by the state of another button input or axis on the STM32?
I'd like to have some state logic (e.g. shift buttons, mode indicator, powered on etc.) indicated by the LEDs.
How do I do that? I see the FreeJoy Configurator allows LEDs to be driven by Axes or Inputs - but those axes and inputs I believe are driven by other buttons or analog/axes inputs on the FreeJoy. What if i don't want the LED state tied 1:1 to a physical button being pushed or an axis state?
Can JoyStickGremlin set "unused" buttons or axes (e.g. not connected to a physical input on the STM32) on the FreeJoy device, which it can then read? It can't, right, JoyStick Gremlin can only set things on vJoy devices, right? If it can, then i can see how this would work. Or maybe it can't and FreeJoy LEDs are just mapped to the state of it's own buttons and axes always?
I'll noodle around in the configurator and in the code. Maybe extending the code to do this would not be insane.
Any help appreciated, thanks again!
I was looking for the same feature. Would like to control the LEDs with SimHub or other software from my windows computer.