On both desktop and mobile, the full API url that the app shows me works just fine. I've proof-read it as much as I can, and it appears to be...
I figured out the problem; the app doesn't pay attention to custom ports. I was running SickRage on 8083 before, but I went ahead and switched back to 8081, and...
Well, if it helps, I'm also using a Synology NAS. Still using port 8081, and everything's working fine
* Change the thermostat to Heat Worked for me, because when I say "Turn the thermostat on" it changes to "auto" mode instead of what I had it last set...
Twitch has all of their assets available for download here: Definitely agree that this app needs a different icon. Maybe just use the white or black one that Twitch...
I tried that change, but it broke the plugin on Chrome v69