
Results 12 issues of ZhengFang

- http://www.ayqy.net/blog/dive-into-react-fiber/ 民间 - https://github.com/Foveluy/react-fiber-architecture 官方 - http://blog.codingplayboy.com/2017/12/02/react_fiber/ 民间 - https://zackargyle.github.io/react-internals-slides/#/29?_k=1yl25e ppt - https://github.com/koba04/react-fiber-resources fiber 的一些资料 - https://engineering.hexacta.com/didact-fiber-incremental-reconciliation-b2fe028dcaec 外国人解析如何制造fiber递增更新 - https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000013109071 正妹的文章


# Luy (React 16 以前) 架构 本文主要讲解、理清、复习 Luy 之前的架构,以方便在重构后和重构前的对比,内容较多,算是对自己的一个复习。 ## 两个`createElement` :一切的开始 #### document.createElement 在几年前,React 其实用的并不是 `document.createElement` 这个 API 去创建DOM节点,而是使用的 innerHTML 来创造 DOM 节点。换做这个的原因是因为 `document.createElement` 的速度远大于 innerHTML 这个东西。这一步的修改,给 React 带来了更大的性能提升。...




# cluster中 在nodejs中,cluster子进程因为某种原因disconnect之后,会处理完所有的数据之后,自动被master重启。 ```ts import { Burn } from './core'; import * as cluster from 'cluster'; import * as os from 'os'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; export default...

Hello, I want to stop/pause animating GIF? how can i do this? thanks

Not like iOS , you can pinch anywhere you like to zoom in&out. on Android, picture will always zoom from center point. how to make the behavior looks like iOS?...

Great tool, nice job. I have able to import my tile map into unity by using this awesome tool but when try to access my tile info, it become handy....

博客文章:http://aju.space/2017/07/31/Drive-into-python-asyncio-programming-part-1.html 协程实现:http://www.dabeaz.com/coroutines/Coroutines.pdf

- url - header - version - method

````python class HttpRequestParser: def __init__(self, protocol): """HttpRequestParser protocol -- a Python object with the following methods (all optional): - on_message_begin() - on_header(name: bytes, value: bytes) - on_headers_complete() - on_body(body: bytes)...