You can't do that either because the crew will start being paranoid and meta game when an AI exists round start. You'd also have to hide law 0 on the...
We already don't see malf AI that often and quite frankly it's busted. Malf is limited by what the crew does or does not do, and once its found out...
I'm almost of the opinion AI should be whitelisted considering how people abuse the role. Sometimes I strongly consider killing the AI myself as non human command because the asimov...
Imo as an AI player I'd just like to see the AI just removed completely. While it's a fun role, it's not necessary for one to exist and actually causes...
No no, cyborgs are manageable more or less. It's the AI that poses major balancing problems. Cyborgs are fun to interact with occasionally and if we didn't have an AI...
Things would change significantly. For one, subverting the "ai" would simply require accessing a borg as it runs around. Dealing with a subverted "ai" would be much simpler, and this...
Lizard with hair moment. Also if you could add the functionality to put a hat on the wig like they did with the plasmeme helmets that'd be amazing
Personally I'd like to have any PRs related to trying to balance combat to be pit on hold until someone actually fixes the real problem of medical necromancy. One hit...
> Odd how I never have such strawmanny issues with murder. Also this directly removes the sec cheese insta flashbang strat. I've personally never seen the insta flashbang strat since...
I do agree the syringe gun has mostly malicious purposes but I don't necessarily want to see it go away. It's my experience as a doctor that it's useful as...