
Results 38 issues of ForceBru

As per #976, it looks like in this code in `IPNewton`: ...the line `state.ev == equality_violation(constraints, state)` probably meant assignment, not an equality test: 1. The equality test would...

# Code ```julia import Pkg Pkg.activate(temp=true, io=devnull) Pkg.add(name="Optim", version="1.6.0", io=devnull) Pkg.status() const AV = AbstractVector{T} where T using DelimitedFiles, Optim normal_pdf(x::Real, μ::Real, var::Real) = exp(-(x-μ)^2 / (2var)) / sqrt(2π *...

`state.ev == equality_violation(constraints, state)` in this snippet of `update_state!` is an equality test, but it looks like assignment was meant: Looks like currently the algorithm only updates `state.ev` here:...

# TL;DR `GA()` and `DE()` don't move away from the initial point, say that any initial point is the optimum and _report convergence_, even though the algorithm isn't anywhere near...


Right now there's a call to `error`: In my code, I'd like to overwrite the data in a group _if it already exists_, but currently that would make me...

# Code ```julia import Pkg; Pkg.status() import Random import Enzyme const AV = AbstractVector{T} where T # ===== Set up objective function ===== normal_pdf(x::Real, mean::Real, var::Real) = exp(-(x - mean)^2...


Below is a copy of the [issue]( I opened in the Clustering.jl repo. In the comments of that issue it was [suggested]( that I open an issue here, so here...

__TL;DR__: given the same mean vector and covariance matrix, NumPy can sample from a multivariate normal with these parameters, but `Distributions.MultivariateNormal` says: `PosDefException: matrix is not positive definite; Cholesky factorization...

## Code ```julia julia> distr = UnivariateGMM([-1, 1], [.1, .2], Categorical([.4, .6])) UnivariateGMM{Vector{Int64}, Vector{Float64}, Categorical{Float64, Vector{Float64}}}( K: 2 means: [-1, 1] stds: [0.1, 0.2] prior: Categorical{Float64, Vector{Float64}}(support=Base.OneTo(2), p=[0.4, 0.6]) )...

The only explanation of `filldist` I could find is here: > `filldist(dist, N)` creates a multivariate distribution that is composed of `N` identical and independent copies of the univariate...