
Results 38 issues of ForceBru

What's new: - Improved user interface: now uses command line arguments via [`argparse`](, waits until user plugs in iDevice, checks iDevice name until device is recognised by iTunes - Checks...

TL;DR: currently PDFs of the components seem to be plotted without considering their weights (that [the code]( calls "prior"). Maybe it would be better to plot them weighted, or maybe...

breaking change

For instance, how does one learn how to use `TwiceDifferentiableConstraints`? `?TwiceDifferentiableConstraints` says "No documentation found". The documentation of `Optim.jl` uses it in [the `IPNewton` tutorial](, but doesn't explain what it...

[This documentation page]( discusses a benchmark of Percival vs IPOpt. It says: > it [the result of benchmarks] can also be used to make performance profiles. > > ![percival]( ...and...

### Describe the bug I have this multiline _string literal_ in a single cell: ```python """ def thing(self): return str """ ``` - When I mouse over `return` and `str`,...


__TL;DR__: I get the following error when I run `ipopt` multiple times in a loop: ERROR: SystemError: opening file "/var/folders/ys/3h0gnqns4b98zb66_vl_m35m0000gn/T/jl_27Ed4DC3G3": Too many open files According to the error message, this...


## Assembly code ``` addi s0 x0 10 addi s1 x0 10 loop: addi s1 x0 -1 ; I know it's the same as s1 = -1 beq s1 x0...

For example, in Lesson 5, concept 10 ("Do-Re-Mi App") it says: > Check out the `step4.4-doReMi-incomplete` directory of the course projects repo. You will see that the DoReMi project is...