Stefan Lück
Stefan Lück
@basvandenbrink The cross signing certificate for Let's enrypt just expired, which is likely to cause your error (See: This is likely due to an old mono docker image that...
I just tried to test the issue and can only partially reproduce. It actually might depend on how the certificate chain is presented by the server... @basvandenbrink How is your...
@basvandenbrink your certificate chain still contains the certificate signed by x3 root ca (depth=2). Please either completly remove it from the chain on the tls server or use the self-signed...
Technically mono does it correctly. But I agree that the mono validation stack should be adapted to work like other common validation stacks (that is: allowing to end validation early...
I think your $$-signs are replaced by PID (special variable). Try: ``` sudo docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=YourPA§§w0o0o0ord" -p 1433:1433 --name mssql --hostname mssql -d ``` with ```...
+1 Would love to see this merged to enable "X-Forwarded-User"-Auth via reverse proxy!