Florentin DUBOIS

Results 14 issues of Florentin DUBOIS

Hello! I just finish to bootstrap a project using the new "as code" feature 🚀. I found it great 😄, but to me it miss the possibility to choose the...


Hi! Actually, prometheus metrics are instantiate and hosted in a structure. This way to do it is not the best way I thinks. For example, if I instantiate two Job...

Hi! This will be awesome to have more logs on each components. Metronome is quite opaque.

Hi! A change that may be interesting it is to move from negroni to echo. This feature also include metrics server. This have as benefit to provide more middlewares to...

Hello! I have a case where I have to wrap packr into an array of Box in order to preserve semantic. So, I wonder if it is a good idea...


To handle x509 certificate revocation, sōzu could support the ocsp stapling protocol. The main idea is to make a request to the ocsp authority to know, if the certificate is...


* Bump tokio-rustls to 0.23 * Bump hyper-rustls to 0.23 * Bump webpki to 0.22 * Bump rustls-native-certs to 0.6.1 * Bump webpki-roots to 0.22.2 Signed-off-by: Florentin Dubois

Hey :wave:, We could investigate the SPO* protocols, there are some documentations here: - https://www.haproxy.com/blog/haproxy-traffic-mirroring-for-real-world-testing - https://www.haproxy.com/blog/extending-haproxy-with-the-stream-processing-offload-engine This idea is proposed by @StevenLeRoux


Hello there :wave:, After some discussions with @StevenLeRoux, @BlackYoup and @Wonshtrum. We found out that Sōzu need to provides a little more information about request and response. So, I use...


Hello, I was talking about Sōzu internally at Clever Cloud. We found out that for debugging purpose, it will be helpful like haproxy already does, to write a log when...
