HandyUIKit icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
HandyUIKit copied to clipboard

Handy UI features that should have been part of UIKit in the first place.

Results 5 HandyUIKit issues
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This reverts the interface of the `dequeueCell` method as discussed [here](https://github.com/Flinesoft/HandyUIKit/commit/3353856a1d50df5ffd370ded078c1a21ffb18a68#r40166532). After this is merged, it should be published in a new release as soon as possible.

The change should be self-explanatory ;)

I propose to add the following `extension` to `UIApplication`, taken from [this article](https://rambo.codes/ios/quick-tip/2019/12/09/clearing-your-apps-launch-screen-cache-on-ios.html): ``` public extension UIApplication { func clearLaunchScreenCache() { do { try FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: NSHomeDirectory()+"/Library/SplashBoard") } catch { print("Failed...

Does the framework contain two similar schemes for iOS platform? Here is a log from Carthage: ``` *** Building scheme "HandyUIKit iOS" in HandyUIKit.xcworkspace *** Building scheme "HandyUIKit-iOS" in HandyUIKit.xcworkspace...

This library already supports [Accio](https://github.com/JamitLabs/Accio) but doesn't document it in the list of supported dependency managers.